Having made monumental strides in the Indian fintech sector, PolicyBazaar has embarked on a mission yet again. This time, the goal is to expand our network and scale insurance penetration in Tier-2 & Tier-3 cities. PBPartners aims to act as a channel, providing last-mile connectivity for customers

who still prefer offline assistance over online channels. Therefore, we have shifted our focus to the most crucial component of this ecosystem- our partners.

PolicyBazaar presents PBPartners, a diverse distribution channel that simplifies insurance for partners. PBPartners works on the Point of Sales Person (PoSP) model, providing a one-stop solution for all financial needs like insurance policies, loans, mutual funds, etc. It aims to provide a channel for Partners to enable the client’s end-to-end online journey through its portal, from purchase to issuance. Becoming a PB Partner is the gateway to becoming a certified insurance advisor. For this, you need to clear the Insurance Advisor Certification examination prescribed by the Insurance Regulatory and Development Authority of India (IRDAI).

A Point of Sale Person or, PosP is an insurance advisor who can sell both life and general insurance policies of multiple companies. PBPartners enables you to enroll yourself through a simple registration process and become a PoSP. The insurance advisor certification course is concise. Any individual above the age of 18 who has cleared class 10 can enroll for the certification course.

Also Read: Get to know everything about Insurance Advisory Examination in India

Click on the ‘Registration’ button on our website and enter your contact number. Your registered mobile number will receive an OTP that you’ll need to verify your account. You’ll have to fill in basic details like your name, birthday, pin code, email ID, etc. After your onboarding, you will be able to scroll under the tab “My Account” and see your basic details, banking information, professional details, and KYC details. Now you can opt for training and get certified with PBPartners to complete your partnership with us. Undergoing this training and receiving certification is requisite for selling life insurance. The course involves teaching through online tutorial videos. This course material is accessible through your computer or smartphone, anytime, anywhere. At the end of the certification course, you will have to take an exam and pass with a minimum score of 40% to become a PoSP.

The course includes the following touchpoints:

  • Concept of Insurance
  • Indian Insurance Market
  • Principles of Insurance
  • Types of Insurance
  • Documentation
  • Premiums
  • Claims
  • AML & KYC Guidelines
  • Do’s & Don’ts