Imagine you have just bought a new health insurance policy, feeling secure and protected. A few months later, you need to make a claim for a medical treatment related to a condition you have had for years.
To your shock, your claim was denied because you did not disclose this pre-existing condition when you bought the policy. What went wrong? Why is disclosing pre-existing diseases so important?
Having pre-existing diseases, you can also research online for the best health insurance for pre-existing diseases in India, and get yourself a secured health insurance policy for pre-existing diseases. Now, let us broadly understand why it is so important to disclose pre-existing diseases to the insurance company.
What is a Pre-Existing Disease in Health Insurance?
Not disclosing your pre-existing disease is a common mistake that many people make while buying a health insurance policy. A pre-existing disease (PED) in health insurance refers to a medical condition or ailment that an individual has been identified with before the commencement of his/her health insurance policy. Spanning from chronic illnesses like diabetes and hypertension to previous surgeries, pregnancy, cancer, or heart disease, a pre-existing disease can be anything. However, there are several health insurance policies covering pre-existing diseases in India, assisting greatly in providing a safety net against unforeseen medical expenses.
Benefits of Disclosure of Pre-existing Disease in Health Insurance
Fearing higher premiums or denial of health coverage, many people prefer to hide their pre-existing diseases in a health insurance policy. However, hiding your pre-existing disease might not go well in the future. On the contrary, disclosing your pre-existing disease before signing up for an insurance policy will offer several benefits to you.
Here are some of the benefits of disclosing pre-existing illnesses to your insurer.
Avoiding Claim Rejections
On disclosing your pre-existing disease at an earlier stage before the start of your health insurance policy, you can confidently file your medical claims, without getting them rejected. Nowadays, insurance companies have fine mechanisms to cross-check medical claims, including medical history reviews and diagnostic tests. If an individual hides an undisclosed pre-existing condition, then the insurer has all rights to reject it.
Also Read: Reasons for Health Claim Rejections (2024)
Save Yourself from Legal and Ethical Obligations
By disclosing a pre-existing disease at first, an individual can save himself from all the legal consequences that he/she might face for hiding their pre-existing illness. Being forthright about your pre-medical condition helps you uphold your ethical responsibility, ensuring transparent dealing with your insurance company.
Access to Better Healthcare Management
Several health insurance policies cover pre-existing diseases in India, providing better access to healthcare management with their specialized health programs including for chronic conditions, offering regular check-ups, consultations, and wellness incentives. By disclosing pre-existing diseases to the insurance company, individuals can take full advantage of such programs.
Long-term Financial Security
Being honest about your pre-existing disease helps you secure a health insurance policy that meets your requirements & offers potential treatments and hospitalizations that may arise due to these conditions. Thus, this health coverage does not put a strain on your financial plans, while promising stability and security for you and your family.
Enables Access to Customized Policies
One of the biggest advantages of disclosing your pre-existing disease to the insurer is by that the insurance companies can provide specifically designed health coverage that best suits you.
Tips for Disclosing Pre-existing Diseases
Detailed Medical History
To get the best health insurance for pre-existing diseases in India, ensure you provide a comprehensive medical history during the application process of the insurance policy.
Consult Your Doctor
There are several health insurance policies covering pre-existing diseases in India, before opting for one consult your doctor for better clarity on your current medical condition or any illness.
Read the Fine Print
Understanding the policy terms and conditions related to pre-existing diseases and waiting periods is foremost to signing up for the best health insurance in India for pre-existing diseases.
Update Regularly
Another important tip to disclose your pre-existing disease to the insurer is to regularly update him about any changes in your health status promptly.
Wrapping up!
To sign up for the best health insurance in India for pre-existing diseases, it is of utmost importance to disclose your pre-existing condition to the insurance company. The disclosure of pre-existing diseases not only ensures comprehensive and reliable health coverage but also helps avoid claim rejections, receive accurate premium calculations, avoid legal implications for hiding illness, and access to policies tailored to your needs.
Many insurance companies are offering health insurance policies covering pre-existing diseases in India, but to get the best health coverage you must research online and compare from available options in the market. In the end, an honest approach with your insurer fosters trust, and full disclosure of pre-existing illness is the basic foundation of a secure and beneficial health insurance experience.
Frequently Asked Questions
What is the pre-existing disease list in health insurance?
The pre-existing disease list in health insurance typically includes diabetes, Hypertension, Heart Disease, Asthma, Cancer, Arthritis, Kidney Disease, Liver Disease, HIV/AIDS, Thyroid Disorders, and others.
How crucial to disclose any pre-existing conditions to the insurance company?
It is important to disclose the pre-existing conditions to the insurance company to avoid claim rejections, ensure accurate coverage, and get the best health insurance in India for pre-existing diseases.
How does disclosure of pre-existing diseases affect the premium?
Having a pre-existing condition does mean more doctor’s visits or medical treatment, such that the insurance company charges a higher premium for the health coverage with a pre-existing illness.
Is it a legal obligation to disclose pre-existing diseases in health insurance?
Yes, it’s a legal obligation to disclose the pre-existing illness to the insurer, otherwise, it could lead to legal consequences or even cancellation of the health insurance policy as well.
What are the major benefits of knowing the policy terms and conditions related to pre-existing diseases?
The major benefits of understanding the policy terms and conditions related to pre-existing diseases are already knowing in advance the waiting period, no claim rejections, awareness of coverage limits, and no surprises during the claim settlement process.