You can get a part-time job in India with ease whether you are a full-time employee or fresh out of college. With the rise of remote working, it has never been easier to find online part time jobs
that improve your earning potential and give you plenty of opportunities to learn new skills. Below are some of India’s best part-time jobs.
A point of sales person (PoSP) is an excellent part-time career option as it helps earn extra income for homemakers, freshers, retirees, and college goers, small and medium scale business owners. A PoSP is an independent insurance agent as he sells insurance products such as commercial vehicle insurance, term life insurance, and more to customers directly. These insurance products are authorized by the Insurance Regulatory and Development Authority of India (IRDAI). A PoSP works in collaboration with an insurance company or with a broker.
As long as you are over 18 years old and have passed 10th grade, you can apply to become a PoSP after completing an online course for training and passing the examination. How much you earn depends entirely on how many policies you can sell to your customers and how many insurance policy renewals you can generate. Once you understand how to navigate the insurance space, it is simple to earn considerably high in a short span.
Become a PoSP now!
PBPartners is a reliable company that gives PoSPs flexibility to work on their own time and requires no investment. It has a simple onboarding process in place and allows you to work with as many insurance providers as you wish. It also provides extensive training to newcomers so they are ready to become PoSP with all the knowledge they need and provides the perfect platform for PoSPs to grow.
Content writer/editor
Writing can be done remotely or you can go to the workplace depending on your current schedule. Content writing involves researching, checking facts, and writing blogs, articles, research papers, and so on depending on the content requirements. As an editor, you will be proofreading and checking for content structure among other tasks.
Content writing part-time jobs from home pay you based on how many words you write and the complexity of the project. Most companies such as those that require you to perform online research do not require a degree in any field which makes it one of the best part-time jobs for freshers and experienced people alike.
Online tutor
If you have expertise in a certain subject then online tutoring might be the perfect option for you. You can either instruct and teach a group of students or you can teach one-on-one depending on the job requirements. You may be tasked with solving problems alongside students so they understand the subject matter thoroughly.
Tutoring may require you to assign homework assignments to check how well the student has understood the subject matter. It may also involve speaking to the student’s parents if the student is lagging. To be a tutor, you generally need a bachelor’s degree in the subject you wish to teach and should be fluent in English.
Graphic designer
Graphic designing is still one of the best part-time jobs you can get in India as it pays well and is in high demand. If you love editing and designing, you can increase your income by working as a graphic designer. As website aesthetics determine the success or failure of the website, graphic designers will always play an important role.
Even if you do not have the expertise, you can join a course and learn how to become a graphic designer. You will generally be given tasks that have to be completed by a set deadline and have the flexibility to work anytime you wish. If you love creativity, graphic designing can be a rewarding experience for you.
Social media manager
This job post is for those who are well-versed in social media and its inner workings. As a part-time job, you can earn well if you know how to run ads (both paid and organic), manage social media promotions, and create photos/videos depending on the platform. Social media management is technical so some expertise is required.
You can become a social media manager for a specific platform such as YouTube or you can manage multiple platforms for your client. You will have the task of reaching more people through advertising and marketing. You will also have the task of improving sales. This is one of the best online part-time jobs work from home opportunities.
Affiliate marketing
Affiliate marketing is when you advertise a product or service of a brand. You can earn based on how many of your subscribers or viewers visit the brand’s website with the links you provide. It is beneficial to the brand and you because they get to advertise through you and you earn a commission by advertising.
Affiliate marketing is best for those people who have a good social media following as you will reach more people and have a better earning opportunity. Even if you successfully run a blog or website, you can earn well with affiliate marketing provided you encourage people who buy. You can start with minimal knowledge.
Customer service representative
For people who have good communication skills and patience, the part-time job of a customer service representative is one to consider. You will need to exhibit good verbal and written English communication skills. You will be tasked with resolving issues that customers face in the most diplomatic way possible.
As a customer service representative, you can work from home remotely or go to the premises. You may provide help through phone calls, email, or chat. The job of a customer service representative is generally in fixed timings because you will be required to attend to customers whenever they have a query or concern.
Video Editor
Videos are here to stay and if you love editing videos then working as a part-time video editor is for you. Video editing involves numerous responsibilities such as adjusting the sound, ensuring proper continuity, and ensuring the lighting is correct. A video editor can work from home or on the premises of the company he is working for.
The more experience you have, the better your earning potential because you can make good money when you make videos that people love to share on social media. It is important to have sound knowledge of video editing because competition is fierce and to stand out you need to create something outstanding.
Pet sitter
Love taking care of pets? Then a pet sitter job is one of the booming businesses in India. You can opt for this as a part-time job without investment although you will need to be available as per the need of the pet owner. Your primary responsibilities include taking the pet for a walk, feeding him timely, and providing what is required such as medications.
A pet sitter job is best suited for those who have a flexible schedule. If you live in an urban area, you are most likely to earn well because the need for this job is much higher. In certain pet sitter jobs, they may need you to keep the pet in your house while in other cases the customer may enable you to stay at their place although this occurs rarely.
Real estate agent
A real estate agent requires you to have either a bachelor’s or master’s degree in almost all cases. You will need to understand and have a working knowledge of networking to excel at this part-time job. It is a fieldwork job so you will need to show customers various homes and ensure they choose the right property for their requirements and budget.
As a part-time real estate agent, you will need to travel often which means having your vehicle is a necessity for your convenience and for succeeding in this job. You will be involved in all aspects starting from understanding needs to negotiating contracts so the properties are sold at the best price and you earn a good commission.
Tour guide
The job of a tour guide is a good one if you love traveling, recalling facts about the place, and sharing your passion with others. Part-time employment as a tour guide, you can earn a decent income. You may need to come in your vehicle to the job and in other cases, you may be required to drive a particular type of vehicle.
To become a tour guide you do not need any special degrees or qualifications but you need to remember all the major facts about the place. The tour company will brief you about what they expect and how they expect you to share all the information with tourists. You will be expected to be enthusiastic and passionate to generate interest.
Personal trainer
As a fitness fanatic, you can earn money by becoming a personal trainer and earn as well as a regular income if you get enough customers. You will be responsible for training people, showing them how they can achieve their fitness goals, and showing them what can be done at home and which should be only done at the gym.
The demand for personal trainers is rising in India so it is a good opportunity to learn and earn because people want to get healthier. To become a personal trainer, you need to be certified and ensure the completion of a personal training course before you can start teaching. Depending on your clients, you can have a flexible time or a fixed time each day.
Have a DSLR or a knack for taking just the perfect picture? Then perhaps you can consider becoming a part-time photographer. You can earn pretty well by taking photos and selling them or you can even upload them on photography websites where you can earn based on usage volume. If you can take clear photos, you can do well in this field.
Wedding photographers earn a decent income so you can try this as a part-time job. Make sure you are flexible with timings if you want to become a wedding photographer and have the right camera to take memorable photos. It is best to take a photography course to ensure you understand the functions of the camera you use to take stunning photos.
Bank teller
A bank teller job is great if you are good at accounting and you have basic mathematics skills. You will be provided training by the bank if you are eligible to do this job part-time. If you want to improve your banking knowledge, then a bank teller job may be the best one for you. You will be tasked with a range of functions.
You will need to ensure every customer is guided to the proper counter depending on what they need to get accomplished. As a bank teller, you will need to process withdrawals and deposits. You will be in charge of performing a range of banking transactions for many customers so you must focus at all times.
If you want to earn some money on the side, you can become a server at a restaurant near where you live. Your job will involve taking orders, ensuring the orders reach your customers on time, and attending to your customers when they need you. It is suitable for freshers as no experience is required in most cases.
The restaurant will brief you about their expectations and you can pick your shifts if you are working part-time. Even though this part-time job may not pay much, you can still earn from tips if you provide commendable service. You must have patience, attentiveness, and a passion for customer service to do well in this job.
Part-time jobs are plenty in India and the type you choose will depend on your qualifications, schedule, type of work, and interest. A part-time job enables you to learn and earn more without the stress of a full-time job. Expand your network and keep yourself busy with the best part-time jobs that are fun and pay well.
FAQs on Part-time jobs in India
What are the benefits of part-time jobs from home?
Part-time jobs help you earn extra, manage your time better, learn money management, and improve your professional network. Part-time work-from-home jobs enable you to work from anywhere, earn well, save more, have flexible working hours, and set time aside for leisure.
What is the qualification required for a part-time job?
Every part-time job will have a different set of requirements so it depends on the job profile.
How to find a part-time job?
Consider your schedule, build the best resume, and search for openings on reputable online job portals and company websites that match your qualifications and experience. Then apply after asking questions. Be upfront about all details for a smooth experience.